“They may be a relatively young ensemble, but already they come very close to epitomizing the string quartet ideal...Mastery like this is scarce enough in quartets that have played together for decades.”
“Most striking is the focused energy and the greater forward momentum even in the slower, more expressive sections....[overall] an enormously satisfying debut album.”
“[Attacca] is a finer champion than most, revealing both the richness and sheer quality of the music. Along with uncommon vibrancy, they bring to the table a wild, almost punk aesthetic as fitting as it is rare. ”
“...Seeing the Attacca Quartet’s incredible performance of his music. Three cheers to them for capturing the multiplicity of personalities embedded in Adams’ music.”
“More impressive, however, is the confidence and élan with which the works are performed. The Attacca are remarkable in every aspect of performance here. ”
“The Attacca Quartet does well with both these contrasting emotional worlds [in John Adam’s music], and they are undaunted by the considerable technical challenges in the music.”